Databuoy Resident Expert Featured in SECURITY INFOWATCH

Following the Highland Park Massacre, one of Databuoy’s foremost security experts, Patrick Fiel, Sr., was featured in this SECURITY INFOWATCH article, linked here.
Patrick shared:
“In this case, the shooter was able to position himself on a rooftop unobserved with an assault rifle with numerous rounds of ammunition. Once the parade started, the gunman was able to fire off over eighty rounds into a large crowd below. […] There is technology on the market today that can instantly and precisely locate on sniper fire. Many of these technologies are based on a network of acoustic sensors that can be mounted on poles or buildings, which can subsequently be placed in or around the areas of specific venues.
When multiple sensors detect rifle shots, they trace the shots back to a mapped building or structure location, including the exact floor, and instantly send the alert out to first responders and/or other systems.This drastically reduces the time it takes to detect the shooter’s location. An instant alert with information that responders can use to directly dispatch to the location increases the chances that lives will be saved.”
Databuoy’s product offerings include the Anti-Sniper capability which can mitigate horrible situations like this; with reliable and instantaneous results. Call or click to learn more.